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Observación de aves en Cabrera

Birdwatching in Cabrera

15-04-2016 | Excursions

The archipelago of Cabrera is a special protection area (SPA) and it belongs to the Natura 2000 network, the European Union’s main instrument for environmental conservation.

It is a privileged location for photographing and watching birds. One more excuse for making a trip to Cabrera and enjoying the National Park.

Cabrera is a migratory stopover area where you can see some 200 species of birds. The archipelago is the nesting place of our Balearic shearwater, a species classified in the category of endangered. Other procellariiformes also nest here, such as Scopoli’s shearwater and the European storm petrel, as well as Audouin’s gull, the yellow-legged gull, the European shag, Eleonora’s falcon or the osprey, whose chicks will soon learn to fly.

A perfect place for disconnecting with your binoculars in hand and the smell of the sea. You can already reserve your place to enjoy the excursions to Cabrera during the spring migration. Perhaps the best moment for boarding the ship and soaring along its waters.

Excursions a Cabrera guarantee experiences, fun and relishing nature in its full splendor. The Mediterranean, the sun and beautiful birds all in one unforgettable day.