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The lighthouse of n'Ensiola, lighthouse of Cabrera

24-08-2016 | Cabrera

If you have visited the archipelago of Cabrera you will surely know the lighthouse of n'Ensiola, located on the island of Cabrera.

Emili Pou was in charge of creating this lighthouse in 1868, but it didn’t open until August 15, 1870 because they waited until that day to install the optical appliance.

It was originally meant to be a minor lighthouse consisting of a circular building with a 25m diameter and 15 rooms, but it was rejected for this would have implied some excessively expensive constructions for a lighthouse.

Years later, in September 1962, its towers were transferred to Menorca and it was then abandoned for two years.

After the Improvement Plan that took place in 1967, the lighthouse was reformed by installing a more modern lantern in it and also by painting it red and white, its current colors.

In 1971, it was automated and they made do without the lighthouse keepers that had abided by it until then.

There are many excursions for discovering Cabrera that you can join. Next time you visit make sure you stop by the lighthouse of n'Ensiola and learn about the fascinating history of this place.


Image source: Flickr