The cetacean migration corridor
The declared Marine Protected Area for cetacean will have a special plan to reduce environmental noise contamination and ban on future oil exploration.
Preventive conservation measure has been approved until the final management plan is drafted. The area will also be included in the Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance List (SPAMI).
The corridor is an 85 km long area between the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, covering a total surface of 46,385 square kilometres. This area is migration corridor for fin whales moving between the Atlantic and the Ligurian sea (Palagos SPAMI).
The new Marine Protected Area is an important site for cetaceans (fin whale, sperm whale, bottlenose dolphin, common dolphin, stripped dolphin, pilot whale, Risso’s dolphin, and Cuvier's whale) and other marine wildlife such as the loggerhead sea turtle and endangered seabirds.
This Marine Protected Area bans future oil exploration in the Balearic Sea region.
More information EFE Verde.